an artists book by Lillie Cotten

Format:14,5cm x 19cm

soft cover with, silkscreen
edition: 100 copies, hand numbered 

Released at NYABF 2016 

Ms. Cotten’s project began as a visual conversation with a small group of close friends, first daily photo emails then weekly postcards.

The rules:
Only one photo per day.
Photos must be sent on the day they were taken, or as soon thereafter as possible.
One touch processing. Point, shoot, done. No fussing.

entre chien et loup”* is a diary, a conversation with friends, fragments of a life, 52 stories half told.

*The time between twilight and dark, when a dog might be a wolf or a wolf a dog. More poetically it is the line between the familiar and comfortable and the unknown and dangerous. The threshold between hope and fear.